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Turkish Mountains

This word is used by Turkish government about the Kurds in this country [Turkey] all of us knew that the largest group of Kurds lives in Turkey. There is no exact number for them. Kurdish maps showed Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria and part of the Soviet Union. The population in Turkey is more than 12 million people. The location of Kurdistan has a lot of stratagetic location. The land is very rich in minerals and still has not discovered the reason to make this region poor. There are two major rivers [Euphrates and Tigris] it goes through Syria and Iraq. The power in Turkey always ignores the Kurds, this is the reason they call them [Turks Mountain] or they name it eastern states or providence. This is political Chauvinist besides that’s not to believe such a thing [Kurds] In Turkey there is no human rights for all minorities such as Arabs or what’s left of Armenians and Kurds. The exile of then and deportation relocated. Some few years ago no one from Kurdistan could speak it. They try to put everything on this tune [tetrik] this political has been continuing since Ataturk claimed their independence for Turkey. Historically there is hatred against the Kurds, Every one of us remember the invasion to North of Iraq during 1982. More than twenty thousand troops entered inside our area [Kurdistan] The Turkish system tried to play the policemen in our area. The upraise of sheikh Abdullah Alnahree 1880, against Turkish regime for independence in Kurdistan all was to make a good relation with the Armenian people who lost a million of their lives. In 1925 another revolt by Sheikh Saeed Beran. Tons of uprising to stop Turks aggravation and segregation because of all incidents a lot of parties developed in turkey. The Turkish people and the Kurds lived for centuries side by side. But the average people of Kurds were below poverty level. There is confusion between the Turks and the Kurds in original or nationalities. To say the truth there is a lot of things that don’t match. First the languages, Kurds speak indo-Iranian which is part of the great Indo-European family. Turkish mother tongue came from [Turkic] family. Which originally spoke by Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan? This language came from central Asia. Turkish writing uses the Roman alphabet or Latin. Atatork, the founder of turkey changed the Arabic alphabet it is a shame because the top calligrapher in Arabic [Khatateen] By the fine sign writer they created the Turkish school by Hamdallah Alamasee till the last great calligrapher from Diarbakir hammed al Amadee Astana city in turkey had the best printing machine in that time. The Kurds used the same Latin letters according with the flow so there is no sign in Arabic in all of Turkey, except the old mosques and historical buildings. Kurds in Iraq and Syria and Iran use Arabic letters. Anyway the Kurds are people who are proud of their heritage. Peace and respect to everyone who is looking for it. God save our land and our people for the whole region.